Sidecar: What? A Band that doesn't enjoy the recording process?
by Larry Crane
Last issue there was a brief mention of Sidecar in the interview we did with Quasi, wherein Quasi questioned Sidecar's choice of studios and use of 2 inch tape. Curious about Sidecar's...
Geoff Farina: Karate and The Secret Stars
by Larry Crane
Geoff Farina is determined. He won't settle for a crummy guitar sound and this has led him on an amazing quest of knowledge and sound. He is currently a member of Karate (who have an...
Steve Fisk: Pell Mell/Halo Benders Member, Solo artist & Noted Producer
by Larry Crane
Umm, Steve Fisk has been playing and recording music longer that some of you have been out of diapers. It's a bit of a tale but we'll trudge through some of it here. Lately, he's been a...
Brendan Bell: On Bugskull and Basement Studios
by Larry Crane
Ahh, the saga of Brendan Bell. A British expatriate who somehow ended up in Portland and later a member of the elusive Bugskull to boot. In Bugskull he managed to hone his recording...
Alastair Galbraith: Chats about recording in New Zealand
by Larry Crane
New Zealander, Alastair Galbraith, has been recording his music on 4 track decks in a non-studio environment since he did Stormed Port by his "group" The Rip in 1987. Turned on to the...
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End Rant
End Rant #3
by Larry Crane
We've been sent a lot of CD's, vinyl and tapes since starting Tape Op. Here's a rundown of some of the more interesting ones and their recording origins. LILYS Better Can't Make Your...