Mastering: Admit it. Some of you don't know what it is.
by Larry Crane
Admit it. Some of you don't understand what mastering is, what it does, and why you need it. I've had a hard time explaining it to clients in the past and thought I'd do good to call my...
Reviews, etc...
by Larry Crane
So, here's the REVIEWS section. Tape Op gets a lot of CDs, singles and (yuck) cassettes sent our way. Most of them are in a box behind my couch and are waiting to be traded in for Beatles...
Two Turntables, A Sampler, and a 4-Track: Hip Hop recording basics
by Jack Denning
The following article arrived as a letter to Tape Op. After reading I contacted Jack and asked if his letter could be used as a short article, an introduction to working with turntables...
Studio Daze: up and down with Seattle's Inside Productions
by Marty Jourard
What makes a relatively sane person decide to open a recording studio? Is it the thought of earning money? Dealing crack is a more lucrative and rational method of meeting fine people...
Reading Materials
by Larry Crane
THE BEATLES RECORDING SESSIONS The Official Abbey Road Studio Session Notes, 1962-1970 This book is required reading for all Tape Op readers. Writer and researcher, Mark Lewisohn, also...
A Trip to Athens...: The Miner St. studio gang hits the road
by Brian McTear
I am a musician. At least that is what I tell my parents when they ask. In early March of last year, my band, The Marinernine, played at a house in Athens, GA, appropriately called The...
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Microphones!: A Highly Subjective View of Some Mics that Get the Job Done
by Larry Crane
Normally, in the recording magazine world, you'll pick up a current issue and find reviews of products that have just come on to the market and may cost LOTS of money. Here at Tape Op we're...
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End Rant
End Rant #5
by Larry Crane
AUDIO ALCHEMY Various Artists (Ubiquity) I was ready to dismiss the whole trip-hop/dub whatever thing as a waste of time until I heard this stuff. You can tell there's people out there who...