Ikea DIY Plate Reverb Hack
by Geoff Stanfield
Tape Op contributor Thom Monahan dug up this gem. Enjoy!
Tape Op contributor Thom Monahan dug up this gem. Enjoy!
I'll be shelling out a lot of bucks for this on Sept 9th. Billboard reported this today... "All 14 Beatles titles, along with a DVD collection of the documentaries, will also be available in a stereo box set. A second boxed set, "The Beatles in...
Listen One of my favorite records of 2024 to date is Phosphorescent’s Revelator. It’s a beautifully recorded album, featuring Matthew Houck's timeless songwriting and lyrics plus gorgeous arrangements. I was hooked the first...
Fievel Is Glauque New Album: Rong Weicknes by Sam Retzer Fievel Is Glauque is the trans-Atlantic duo of keyboardist Zach Phillips (Brooklyn) and vocalist Ma Clément (Brussels), who lead a “series of live bands” to...
I opened my commercial recording studio (Jackpot! Recording) in 1997, after years of simultaneously having a busy home studio while working day jobs to pay the rent. Making this leap to a full-time recording engineer/studio owner was terrifying. I...
Remember Nino from issue #67? His new Bird and Egg Recording Studio is hosting "an open house of sorts. On Sunday, October 18th between the hours of 2pm and 6pm Bird and Egg will be open for you to see and feel. There will be wine and hors d'ouvres...
Popular music owes a serious debt to Quincy Jones, and he rightly has a place on the list of greatest music producers of all time. He passed away November 3rd, at the age of 91. I was listening to Quincy Jones before I even knew I was listening to...
John Cuniberti has taken his OneMic Series down south! Here is a look behind the scenes at Sun Studios!
Photo: Larry Crane The recent passing of Ed Cherney sent me to my archives. I'd interviewed Ed many years ago and he asked me not to run it. We went back and forth about it, and I never understood why he didn't want this interview in Tape Op....