Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
I finally figured out what makes for a successful tracking session: simply eliminate the variables. On one level this could be seen as pre-production combined with concise decision making. Certainly those can help - but what I'm talking about is...
I just read an excellent new essay called The Case Against Free in which the author suggests that the "free economy" is drying up the economic resources needed to make quality creative works. The article focuses on recordings. It's a well...
So you just drop a microphone to the bottom of an 800ft hole in the earth? Damian Wagner (issue 64) checks in with Tape Op. "I've just returned from a two week audio expedition to Brazil. I was in Brazil to test nine microphones, cables, speakers...
Link here for a free pass to the 127th AES Convention in New York City, Oct. 9-12, for “Exhibits Only” registration. Come on down and visit the Tape Op booth and harass us about missing issues or why we don't review your CDs or write...
Seems like it's Sylvia Massy week over here at Tape Op! Here is another cool session trailer from Mix With The Masters where Sylvia records the Melvins!
By Pete Droge Recently, I unearthed a cassette tape from a box labeled "late 90s." The spine read "Warren Pash at Got Wheels." The tape contained two Pash originals I produced, engineered, and mixed: "Blue River" and "Bones & Stones." ...
Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss Bus Processing in the new episode of Creative Recording with Tape Op!Be sure to head on over to our YouTube channel and hit the subscribe and like buttons!Episode made possible with support from BURL...
Larry and I recently spent a few weeks in the UK doing some interviews for the mag that you'll be seeing soon. Over the weekend I left Larry in London to play some gigs in Oxford and Cornwall with my friends in Sea of Bees. One of the...
The Decemberists' ninth album, As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again, is out now. In 2003 I got a call from Colin Meloy about maybe recording his band, The Decemberists. Tape Op contributor, Adam Selzer, had already recorded some tracks for what...