Thom and John had a great time at Loop 2018, so we wanted to let everybody know that Loop 2020 is open for registration now. This event always sells out way in advance, so don’t dawdle!
On May 31st, 2022 we lost synthesis pioneer Dave Smith. Tape Op contributor Alex Maiolo wrote this lovey tribute to remember him by.-GS
Don Buchla, Robert Moog, Tom Oberheim, Delia Derbyshire, Peter Zinovieff, Roger Linn, Hiroaki Nishijima,...
So, Fort George Brewery & Public House in Astoria, OR, made an actual Tape Op-branded craft beer. It's called Overdub IPA, and it looks like this:
Here is what Fort George had to say about their creation:
A good beer is like a good sound...
Thanks for this guest post by John Morand
I wasn’t surprised when I heard that Daniel Johnston had died. It was 9-11 and for me, there would always be a connection between Daniel and 9-11. In the days after the attack, when...
There were so many great records released this year, in fact too many to make a definitve and exhaustive list, but here are a few favorites from the Tape Op family. Consider it a tasting menu and have a great holiday! Click link to listen!
As a gift to her fans in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries, St. Vincent has released a Spanish language version of her 2024 release All Born Screaming, Todos Nacen Gritando.
Releasing companion albums is a bit of theme with St. Vincent....
The worldwide COVID-19 situation is affecting us all at this moment. Years ago I was a gigging musician and restaurant worker, and I feel I essentially still live a gig economy life - depending on Tape Op and studio bookings for personal income....
I often think about the relation of commerce and art. It's a convoluted one, but necessary. How could one continue to create the best art possible if they were destitute? They won't - they will be focused on survival instead. A recent...
(text from the Scotty Hard Trust website): Scott Harding is a highly accomplished New York City based music producer, engineer, and performer. Over the course of 20+ years, his rich and varied career has taken him to Africa, Europe, North America...