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Dear Tape Op reader:Some folks might not know how inextricably connected Tape Op editor Larry Crane's recording studios have been to the history of Tape Op Magazine. His first home studio, Laundry Rules, was in a Portland basement at 33rd and...
We got this letter from J. Robert Lennon, a sometimes contributor here at Tape Op. I figured I'd better answer it. -Larry Crane "A thought struck me while I was reading Adam Kagan's very informative review of the Chandler Little Devil...
RZA releases A Ballet Through Mud, an orchestral work of 11 pieces performed by the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, and conducted by Christopher Dragon. Sam Retzer did an extensive interview with RZA in the most recent issue of Tape Op, discussing...
The Way Out of Easy is the second album Jeff Parker (Tortoise) has released that was recorded live by Bryce Gonzales at The Enfield Tennis Academy to a stereo Nagra tape machine on a hand built tube console that he designed and built. Besides Parker...
One of the local Portland weeklies did a blurb on me and the Tape Op book for the reading tonight. Mercury
Speaking of the art world, reader Halsey Burgund sent a link to his installation that “involves some unconventional recording techniques, mainly doing it wirelessly and using lots of open-source and customized software.” Looks like fun...
Richard Kaplan, owner engineer of famed recording studio Indigo Ranch [Tape Op #103] is selling the remainder of his classic equipment collection. It includes vintage and rare pieces by API, Aengus, Fairchild, Teletronix, Neumann and...
We are excited to announce Creative Recording With Tape Op. This video series covers a wide range of recording and mixing topics, concepts, and solutions. We look forward to sharing these conversations with you in the coming weeks and months, but... is a newly published community base and informational resource for why Spotify is damaging to artists and to the music industry as a whole. Check out a centralized list of articles about the topic, and add your two cents to the growing...