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See you at the AES show in San Francisco?
by Larry Crane
The 129th AES Convention takes place Nov 4-7, and the Exhibitor's Hall is open Nov 5-7, where we'll be sitting patiently at a table giving away Tape Op magazines to passers by and answering questions about where the bathrooms are located and...
Please Help Our Friends at Pyramid Sound Studios!
by Dave Middleton
The future of a world-class recording studio that has hosted recording sessions by David Gray, Anthrax, Ginuwine, Aaliyah, Bad Religion, Missy Elliott, Joe Bonnamassa, producers including Timbaland and Tom Dowd, Pulitzer Prize winning composer Steven...
soundproofing and illusion
by Larry Crane
Reader Brent E (bcengels at yahoo dot com) sent in some cool links about audio. The possibility of and “acoustic cloak” is discussed. The future of studio soundproofing? Music and Auditory illusions are discussed in the New Scientist
Tape Op Staff Favorites of 2018
by Geoff Stanfield
There were so many great records released this year, in fact too many to make a definitve and exhaustive list, but here are a few favorites from the Tape Op family. Consider it a tasting menu and have a great holiday! Click link to listen! Larry...
Detroit Remembers Audio Ace Norm Druce
by Geoff Stanfield
Nice piece in the Detroit Free Press about audio and electronics guru Norman Druce who died October 6th....
Go to School with Alan Parsons!
by Larry Crane
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Alan Parsons is one of the most talented engineer/producers out there and a hell of a nice guy. His Art and Science of Sound Recording DVD set is a great learning tool that we reviewed a while back. Now...
OneMic Series: Cedric Burnside
by Geoff Stanfield
Cedric Burnside performs "Love Her 'Til I Die" for the OneMic Series!
Phonograph Cylinders - Better than the MP3?
by Larry Crane
I was amazed today to be informed that phonograph cylinders are still being manufactured. Madame Pamita dropped us a line a while back and surprised us with some cool music recorded on Cylinders by Peter Dilg, of the Edison Historical Site, and it...