John Cuniberti records artists in the "OneMic" series with a single AEA R88 stereo ribbon mic. Results? Impressive!
More Entries
Music Buying Habits of Teens Changes...
by Larry Crane
Expect to see more changes in the music purchasing/acquiring habits of teenagers as time goes by. Courtesy of the NPD Group's press release: "teens (age 13 to 17) acquired 19 percent less music in 2008 than they did in 2007. CD purchasing declined 26...
A Great Way to experience an angry comment to Tape Op
by Larry Crane
Enjoy a light-hearted animated romp courtesy of's wonderful service. This is a real comment posted to our blog here. Sure is nice to feel the love.
Ronan's Recording Show features Jerks Behind Tape Op mag
by Larry Crane
Our pal Ronan Chris Murphy does this cool "TV" show on his site,, and the most recent one is with me and John Baccigaluppi where we talk about Tape Op Magazine. I think it's a good insight into how the mag works and who...
See you at the AES show in San Francisco?
by Larry Crane
The 129th AES Convention takes place Nov 4-7, and the Exhibitor's Hall is open Nov 5-7, where we'll be sitting patiently at a table giving away Tape Op magazines to passers by and answering questions about where the bathrooms are located and...
Meeting Your Maker
by Larry Crane
Well, not my maker but the man behind the baby that is our RND5088 console at Jackpot! I got to spend a little time (and a photoshoot) with Rupert Neve at The Magic Shop in NYC during the AES convention last week. Thanks to Steve Rosenthal for...
Resources for Artists During COVID-19 Pandemic
by Geoff Stanfield
Art is Alive is a solidarity effort aimed at providing resources, spreading awareness and building connectedness within the artistic and creative freelance communities impacted by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Created by artist Rhiannon Giddens, and...
Gear Update: Rupert Neve Designs 5088 Analogue Mixer
by Geoff Stanfield
It is often challenging within a review period to fully explore a piece of gear and integrate it into the daily workflow. It's not that reviewers won't use the feature set and put it to task in at least a few applications, but to truly get to know...
Some Maybe Not-So-Obvious Items Every Studio Needs
by Larry Crane
Some Maybe Not-So-Obvious Items Every Studio Needs In the past we've run a few columns about items every studio should have, like Sharpie pens and masking tape, but here I decided to look around me and think about all the items that aren't...