Larry's Comments on the Metallica Loudness Problem
by Larry Crane
You've probably heard stuff about the stupid-loud Metallica album. Idolator rang me up for some comments. Check it out.
You've probably heard stuff about the stupid-loud Metallica album. Idolator rang me up for some comments. Check it out.
I just got an email from a company telling me that I need to buy the new version of a product of theirs - I already own the one that came out several years ago. I guess the $3000 I invested in their hardware wasn't enough, and now I need to buy a new...
Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss mixing analog vs. in the box vs. a hybrid approach in the latest episode of Creative Recording With Tape Op! This episode is made possible with support from our friends at BURL Audio.
I'm about to write something that at first will seem like another gray-beard waxing nostalgic for a by-gone analog era. But, stick with me, because I think the tables are turning to where going analog might be as forward-thinking as it gets. Let's...
The 129th AES Convention takes place Nov 4-7, and the Exhibitor's Hall is open Nov 5-7, where we'll be sitting patiently at a table giving away Tape Op magazines to passers by and answering questions about where the bathrooms are located and...
During this year's SXSW music festival someone asked me how many times I'd been to Austin, Texas, for this event. I had no idea. Eight? Ten? Since the mid-'90s I've certainly attended many times, most as a panelist, but always as a music fan. And...
Singer, songwriter, and stringed instrument master, Sarah Jarosz, has just released a deluxe edition version of her criitically-acclaimed album, Polaroid Lovers. This edition features two new songs, "Wildflowers in the Sky" and "Just Like...
Caro Snatch did this interesting online interview with Robert Henke from Monolake on her site. An interesting note is that he created this album, Silence, "without any compression." Well, yeah, uh, if you work in the box and want to draw/automate...
I was gonna run this in the letters section of issue #78 coming up, but I just felt it was too long to fit well. -LC I just finished reading the letters section in the new issue [#77] regarding interns, and wanted to relate my experience. A couple...