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Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
I'll be shelling out a lot of bucks for this on Sept 9th. Billboard reported this today... "All 14 Beatles titles, along with a DVD collection of the documentaries, will also be available in a stereo box set. A second boxed set, "The Beatles in...
Check out the new track, “Domestic Workers Song,” from Dawn Landes. The song was originally written in 1939 but it’s still relevant and timely, and the recording is a fun sing-a-long romp with nods to The Band and the upstate NY...
Nice piece in the Detroit Free Press about audio and electronics guru Norman Druce who died October 6th....
What? Huh? That's right, now you can "use classic studio gear online." This guy Fredrik created some way to remotely set compressors and equalizers and then pass your audio through them. Pretty genius and probably the wave of the future for certain...
Enjoy a light-hearted animated romp courtesy of's wonderful service. This is a real comment posted to our blog here. Sure is nice to feel the love.
I'm in the middle of cataloging 1.5 TB of audio files. This is the work I do for the Estate of Elliott Smith. Two computers keep Pro Tools on the top one and FileMaker Pro and Excel for track sheets on the bottom one. Otherwise the MacBook Pro...
Larry interviewed Jack White back in Tape Op #82, and we went inside his Third Man Records pressing plant in issue #127. White just released his sixth solo album, No Name. It is a great listen filled with whisps of Zeppelin, swamp blues, Detroit...
I just got an email from a company telling me that I need to buy the new version of a product of theirs - I already own the one that came out several years ago. I guess the $3000 I invested in their hardware wasn't enough, and now I need to buy a new...
(text from the Scotty Hard Trust website): Scott Harding is a highly accomplished New York City based music producer, engineer, and performer. Over the course of 20+ years, his rich and varied career has taken him to Africa, Europe, North America...