Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
Okay, so that's not the most original headline ever. I check the MySpace site once every 6 months and see old notes from friends about things that happened ages ago. Sorry. Oops. But what really drives me bat-shit is seeing ads like "Learn Audio...
From Kitchen Op Magazine's letters section: I just wanted to write in to chime in on the debate about home cooking. As a professional chef, with many years of time invested in learning my craft and thousands of dollars...
We are witnessing the dawn of dramatic format changes for audio delivery. On the one hand, we now have streaming audio and, on the other hand, we have the movement away from compressed digital formats toward higher-resolution digital files. The CD...
Larry’s intro to issue #71 was one of his most important notes for engineers in a long time. It’s easy to press play, but not pay attention to the audio hitting our ears. (Have you ever read a book and found your eyes are scanning over...
Going through some archives I came across this priceless piece of history: its the rate card from the studio my friends and I used to go to. You can see it here:. After years of nagging, we did get him to discount our rate to $50 an hour,...
Hello Friends, Yes the rumours are true! We are happy to announce the release of the Tape Op iPad app! And for those folks that are not Apple product users don't despair, there is an Andriod version coming soon. You can log in using...
Check out the new episode from our Creative Recording With Tape Op series! Larry and Geoff discuss the best place to spend your hard earned cash when starting a studio. This episode made possible with support from our friends at...
Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss Bus Processing in the new episode of Creative Recording with Tape Op!Be sure to head on over to our YouTube channel and hit the subscribe and like buttons!Episode made possible with support from BURL...
The Decemberists' ninth album, As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again, is out now. In 2003 I got a call from Colin Meloy about maybe recording his band, The Decemberists. Tape Op contributor, Adam Selzer, had already recorded some tracks for what...