We are excited to announce Creative Recording With Tape Op. This video series covers a wide range of recording and mixing topics, concepts, and solutions. We look forward to sharing these conversations with you in the coming weeks and months, but for now enjoy Episode #1, What Makes a Great Recording? Episode made possible with support from Burl Audio!
Why did I think I could set up my home studio in a couple of hours when it took four months to move Jackpot! to a new building? Tomorrow's shopping list: Solder, S/PDIF cables, etc... I'm amazed at how tangled and messy this quickly got. All I...
My pal Ethan Winer is half of the company Real Traps and hosts a page of all sorts of articles and information about acoustics and control rooms at this site: Real Traps
One of my favorite pieces nearly ended up in Tape Op Magazine but after I...
Convention Report. Man, that old Disneyland hotel was awesome!
I'm in the process of moving and was cleaning my office earlier today. I have a large collection of vintage audio magazines and books that I use for clip art when working on Tape...
John Caroll Kirby - Septet
It is a great time for music and recording. The pandemic drove many artists into their bedrooms and living spaces to make recordings and others figured out ways to get into studios safely. I get a load of new...
Part One - by Larry Crane
1/13/04It's been snowing and frozen here in Portland for a week - not something this town is used to. Many businesses were shut down and traffic wasn't moving, even though it wasn't that much snow. I feel dumb as my town...
OK, fine, I admit it -- I secretly envy hip hop's most ostentatious bling nuggets (T-Pain's new joint makes me particularly weak-kneed), but let's face it, none of that stuff has any place adorning a guy like me, even if the recession means I now...
Vintage King recently celebrated their 30 year anniversary. Like most things, there is a story behind what has now become a fantastic retailer of both vintage and modern recording equipment. I caught up with founder Michael Nehra on a Zoom call and...