AutoTune as the Subject of a Song?
by Larry Crane
Yup. And here's the video. Funny as shit. "Thanks AutoTune!"
Yup. And here's the video. Funny as shit. "Thanks AutoTune!"
Convention Report. Man, that old Disneyland hotel was awesome! I'm in the process of moving and was cleaning my office earlier today. I have a large collection of vintage audio magazines and books that I use for clip art when working on Tape...
Fire Extinguishers in the Studio - [Note to our EU readers. I don't know if the U.S. letter conventions apply in your locale, but the fundamental suggestions in this post are universal.] It’s a really smart idea to have a couple of fire...
Now that the Tape Op iPad app is available, we've been trying to figure out the best ways to get the magazine to other digital formats. Expansion to other full-fledged tablets (Android, etc) is a fairly straightforward - if laborious - process, in...
Matt McGlynn over at the informative Recording Hacks site has a section devoted to Tape Op mic reviews. Not all of them are up yet, and we're not quite sure why he wanted to tackle this project (crazy? smart? nice guy?) but it's up there. Now I can...
My pal Ethan Winer is half of the company Real Traps and hosts a page of all sorts of articles and information about acoustics and control rooms at this site: Real Traps One of my favorite pieces nearly ended up in Tape Op Magazine but after I...
Here’s something I don’t think we’ve covered in Tape Op before, but reader Tony Butterworth has created the Home Made Hit Show, where he uploads podcast shows filled with songs from home recordists. Great idea, and it’s nice...
Here's a clip of a rare Rolling Stone interview with the Lizard King talking about making records around 2 1/2 minutes in. “I could never produce ... because I don’t have the patience for it. I think that’s the main thing. Who's...
Read the review of the RND 5088 Console