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Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
By Alex Maiolo I’m sure a lot of you are asking “who was Herb Deutsch and what does he have to do with rock n’ roll?” The short answer is sometimes it’s the people behind the scenes that change the course of...
Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo! Read it HERE
We sent intrepid reporter Jeorgia Anderson to cover this fascinating event. -LC When I read that the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) was holding their 45th annual conference in downtown Los Angeles May 11-14, I went to...
Reader Brent E (bcengels at yahoo dot com) sent in some cool links about audio. The possibility of and “acoustic cloak” is discussed. The future of studio soundproofing? Music and Auditory illusions are discussed in the New Scientist
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OK, fine, I admit it -- I secretly envy hip hop's most ostentatious bling nuggets (T-Pain's new joint makes me particularly weak-kneed), but let's face it, none of that stuff has any place adorning a guy like me, even if the recession means I now...
I just read an excellent new essay called The Case Against Free in which the author suggests that the "free economy" is drying up the economic resources needed to make quality creative works. The article focuses on recordings. It's a well...
I finally figured out what makes for a successful tracking session: simply eliminate the variables. On one level this could be seen as pre-production combined with concise decision making. Certainly those can help - but what I'm talking about is...
The Weeknd has a special knack for making catchy and accessible pop music that is also sonically interesting, dark, and melancholy. It's hard to believe that his first release, Beauty Behind the Madness, was released almost a decade ago, but if...