One of the coolest, and least promoted (and previously difficult to find) books I've come across is Too Hot to Handle: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of American Recording Studios of the 20th Century. Author Randy McNutt is a huge fan of classic American music and the regional studios that used to record the hits (and misses) of yesteryear. I recently stumbled across his Home of the Hits blog, and wanted to let others know that it's well worth visiting. Randy is dedicated to preserving the memories and history of the music biz, and importantly understands that it was the people and their vision that makes all of this so fascinating.
More Entries
Analog Investment in the Age of Pono
by Allen Farmelo
I'm about to write something that at first will seem like another gray-beard waxing nostalgic for a by-gone analog era. But, stick with me, because I think the tables are turning to where going analog might be as forward-thinking as it gets. Let's...
The 2nd Annual Recording Summit in Nashville!
by Larry Crane
I'll be attending and pretending to be a panelist at The 2nd Annual Recording Summit in Nashville, held Nov 12-14 at Welcome to 1979 Studios. Check the link above to become part of this crazy cool event!
Embrace the Chaos
by John Baccigaluppi
After reading Larry's "Eliminate Variables" End Rant from last issue, I was compelled to write a response. Don't get me wrong, I agree completely with everything he said; so before you read any further, revisit the back page of issue #92. I...
"It's Like Room Service But For Recording Gear": Larry Crane Tries Out Ace Hotel's Studio A Program
by Dave Middleton
Ace Hotel has long been a favorite among artist/studio types, so when we heard the news that they were going to beginoffering quality recording gear as a literal hotel service, it made sense. Featured behind their tailored front desk you'll find...
Free Devil-Loc Plug-In from Sound Toys!
by Larry Crane
At our Tape Op Party during SXSW last week the fine folks at Sound Toys announced and gave away a new plug-in - the Devil-Loc! You have to grab this before March 31, 2011. Act now! Go here for the free Devil-Loc Plug-in Sharing Code:...
home made hit show
by Larry Crane
Here’s something I don’t think we’ve covered in Tape Op before, but reader Tony Butterworth has created the Home Made Hit Show, where he uploads podcast shows filled with songs from home recordists. Great idea, and it’s nice...
Free Video Tutorials from one of our Contributors
by Larry Crane
Matt Fordham did the great interview with Buddy Miller in Tape Op #34. He also has this great blog, Record Ready, with video tutorials on recording techniques and tips. Many are Pro Tools based, in case you're looking for help in that department. He...
Ikea DIY Plate Reverb Hack
by Geoff Stanfield
Tape Op contributor Thom Monahan dug up this gem. Enjoy!