I’m still shocked at the passing of Martin Phillips of The Chills. He made a number of songs and albums that truly inspired me and many others. Please check out the interview I did with him in 1997, and listen to his song “Pink Frost” if you’ve never heard his music. You’ll find the beauty and sadness of this song quite fitting. It’s one of many great songs from a great writer. -Larry Crane
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
I was fortunate enough to get an Apogee Duet 2 recently. This device hooks up to your computer's USB port (and is powered from there) and allows you to monitor audio. I'm not gonna go into all the details, see our review of the original Duet. At...
Tape Op editor Larry Crane to do book reading and signing in Portland
Friday, August 15th @ 7:30PM at Powell's City of Books on Burnside, 1005 W Burnside (800) 878-7323 http://www.powells.com/info/places/burnsideinfo.html
Featuring readings from...
I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I say this all the time. Drop by Jim Powers' Music Shrink website and read his articulate post on the subject.
If you are a Tape Op reader, you know our recent issue #136 had a focus on Dub Reggae. But beyond King Tubby, Lee Perry and Scientist, many people wonder where they should start with their listening to explore the genre. I asked recent interviewee...
John Caroll Kirby - Septet
It is a great time for music and recording. The pandemic drove many artists into their bedrooms and living spaces to make recordings and others figured out ways to get into studios safely. I get a load of new...
Reader Brent E (bcengels at yahoo dot com) sent in some cool links about audio.
The possibility of and “acoustic cloak” is discussed. The future of studio soundproofing?
Music and Auditory illusions are discussed in the New Scientist
In the never-ending, century-old battle between corporations and content producers: I give you the latest bit of pro-artist activism. This is taken directly from the Grammy Foundation's website:
Tell Congress to Save Music and Stop the "Pandora...
A couple of years ago I purchased a download package that a friend's band, Blue Skies for Black Hearts, was offering up. It was a generous offer, proceeds went towards a good cause, and the band is really fun (not to mention that the bandleader,...
It wasn’t that long ago that when you went into the studio you basically disappeared from the rest of the world into a place with few (or no) windows, and low light. Where time seemed to have a way of getting distorted, finding yourself rolling...