"A Recording Studio is No Place For Democracy"
by Larry Crane
I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I say this all the time. Drop by Jim Powers' Music Shrink website and read his articulate post on the subject.
I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I say this all the time. Drop by Jim Powers' Music Shrink website and read his articulate post on the subject.
I finally figured out what makes for a successful tracking session: simply eliminate the variables. On one level this could be seen as pre-production combined with concise decision making. Certainly those can help - but what I'm talking about is...
Our compatriots over at Australia's fine Audio Technology magazine posted this video of a visit to Behringer City. See Video Here. It's a curious visit and Chris Holder offers some good insight into this man and his company. Thanks to Steven...
Here's a recent email I received: "I am interested in what you do and how you do it. I guess I am not the average person looking to get into audio engineering. I am 44 and I am an anesthesiologist looking for a second career. I am an audiophile,...
By Alex Maiolo I’m sure a lot of you are asking “who was Herb Deutsch and what does he have to do with rock n’ roll?” The short answer is sometimes it’s the people behind the scenes that change the course of...
A few years ago a Northwest music mag (now defunct) interviewed some Portland "best new band" character and the moron spouted out that nothing had been going on in Portland before his band moved to town - that this was the turning point when...
Dear Tape Op Readers, As you know many of our family, friends and colleagues on the East Coast have been hit hard by Hurricane Sandy last week. Led by Ken Bogdanowicz of Sound Toys, several of our advertisers have joined together to help raise...
Check out the new St. Vincent LP, All Born Screaming, and video for the track "Broken Man" out now. The album was recorded and mixed by Cian Riordan who interviewed Annie Clark (aka St. Vincent) for Tape Op #134. Read the Tape Op...
Why did I think I could set up my home studio in a couple of hours when it took four months to move Jackpot! to a new building? Tomorrow's shopping list: Solder, S/PDIF cables, etc... I'm amazed at how tangled and messy this quickly got. All I...