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Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
Gurf Morlix (Tape Op # 76) recently released a 15 song collection of songs written by his longtime friend and runnin' buddy, Blaze Foley - Blaze Foley's 113th Wet Dream. The CD has been released in conjunction with the...
Jonathan Mann is the "song a day guy" of Songatron. Since January 1st 2009 he's posted a song and video a day. Septemeber 28th 2011 he'll have recorded 1000 songs. Wow. In June Nick Krill and Thomas Hughes of The Spinto Band joined up with...
Here's a guest spot from our pal Larry Devivo. It didn't quite fit a reply for Tape Op letters, but it's a great story and I wanted to share it. -LC There is a new microphone made called the Lucas CS-1. This mic is the brainchild of Terry Manning...
When I graduated from college, I dove headlong into restaurant work in order to survive. I had a degree in Visual Communications and a minor in Art from an un- prestigious college, but near the end of my studies I'd begun playing bass in a band...
Hey Tape Op Readers! The AES Show will be online this year and you can get your FREE AES SHOWCASE pass (Showcase is from Oct 19 - 23 and will be on-demand until January) by using VIP code AES2020TapeOp at checkout! Offer good until Sept...
This is a fascinating article about a brand new study in human auditory perception that is showing that there have been "naive" applications of mathematical formulas onto our understanding of human auditory perception. I cannot claim to...
I dropped by Powell’s City of Books last night to say hello to Daniel Levitin and hear him talk about his new book, I Heard There Was a Secret Chord: Music as Medicine. I interviewed him in Tape Op #74 way back in 2009. There’s a lot of...
Remember Henry Hirsch from issue ? He's moved locations yet again, and his new studio (in Hudson, NY) looks fabulous. Check it out here. An unreal space and an amazing engineer/producer.
Tape Op editor Larry Crane to do book reading and signing in Portland Friday, August 15th @ 7:30PM at Powell's City of Books on Burnside, 1005 W Burnside (800) 878-7323 Featuring readings from...