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Jim Morrison Didn't Want to be a Producer!
by Larry Crane
Here's a clip of a rare Rolling Stone interview with the Lizard King talking about making records around 2 1/2 minutes in. “I could never produce ... because I don’t have the patience for it. I think that’s the main thing. Who's...
Nashville Recording Summit Nov. 13-15
by Larry Crane
Tape Op contributor, Chris Mara, has organized an amazing studio event coming up. I wanted to go but sessions have stopped me. If you can make it, this sounds like a lot of fun. Tape Op Messageboard Thread and instructions Welcome to 1979 Studio
Sylvia Massy Records The Melvins for Mix With The Masters
by Geoff Stanfield
Seems like it's Sylvia Massy week over here at Tape Op! Here is another cool session trailer from Mix With The Masters where Sylvia records the Melvins!
There is now a "ground zero" for the anti-Spotify movement.
by Dave Middleton is a newly published community base and informational resource for why Spotify is damaging to artists and to the music industry as a whole. Check out a centralized list of articles about the topic, and add your two cents to the growing...
"It's Like Room Service But For Recording Gear": Larry Crane Tries Out Ace Hotel's Studio A Program
by Dave Middleton
Ace Hotel has long been a favorite among artist/studio types, so when we heard the news that they were going to beginoffering quality recording gear as a literal hotel service, it made sense. Featured behind their tailored front desk you'll find...
End Rant #99: It's the Little Things That Count
by Larry Crane
Years ago John Fischbach, a well-established and respected producer/engineer, came to my studio to record an album that our mutual friend, Luther Russell, was producing. [See Tape Op #21.] In those days my studio, Jackpot! Recording, was a diamond...
David Gilmour Releases New Album: Luck and Strange
by Geoff Stanfield
It's no secret that we are serious Pink Floyd fans here at Tape Op. We have interviewed Floyd drummer Nick Mason, producer/engineers John Wood, Bob Ezrin, Alan Parsons, John Leckie, Youth, and Joe Boyd, and, of course, the band's...
I Have A Credit Problem
by Count
Over the last few years we've seen an explosion of online music services. Pandora, iTunes, Spotify, Rhapsody, Soundcloud and dozens of other platforms are touted as groundbreaking ways to deliver music to listeners. But this success is on the...