Hello and welcome to Tape Op #25! I'm pleased to report that we've made it to our 25th issue and are well into our 6th year. Anyone who's been reading or involved with Tape Op from the beginning knows the changes we've gone through — from a hand-Xeroxed, collated and stapled mag in 1996, to the small press runs a few years later, and now as a bi-monthly with full-color and lots of advertisers (to whom we're very, very grateful). There are a few changes happening though. After years as the writer of "Under the Radar", Rob Christensen is stepping down (for now, as he may return) and long-time Tape Op supporter/helper Matt Mair Lowery will be taking his place next issue. So don't dismay if you miss the column this issue! The other change will be less directly visible, as we welcome Jeff Fellers as an ad sales rep, hopefully taking some of the load off of John's shoulders! The other change? I was married in August to the lovely Mrs Jane Crane. Sorry girls! Alright, let's make some %$*^! records...

Mr Larry Crane, editor

Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.

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