Please visit our FAQ page for more info on subscriptions before sending any of us a message!

If you'd like to subscribe to Tape Op magazine, renew or cancel your subscription, change your address, or contact our subscriptions department, continue to our subscription management page. Also, (and easier) you can manage all aspects of your subscription by logging in with your email address and heading to your account page ("My Subscription" button in the upper right). If you're not sure of your email and/or password, locate your subscription here and get all your sub info emailed to you.

If you're interested in advertising in Tape Op, we'd love to hear from you! Advertising is how we're able to give the magazine away for free to our 50,000+ readers and we appreciate your support. For print ads, please fill out this form and we'll e-mail you our rate information. For online advertising, please visit our online media kit for all pertinent information.

If you send us a direct personal message, please be aware that we will review the requests in the order in which they were received. Sometimes we will wait until before a mailing to do so and this may be a few months. Some requests will be noted and filed away with no response. Please try to be as patient as possible, Tape Op is run by a part time and volunteer staff!

If you'd like to send us music to review please go to our reviews FAQ page.

Lastly, if your comment didn't fit into any of the other categories, send an email to our general mailbox...please be patient for a response!


Contact Our Staff

Larry Crane
magazine articles and general content


John Baccigaluppi
advertising, printing, distribution, and layout


Gear Reviews Editor
Scott McChane (Reviews)
magazine and online recording equipment reviews


Online Publisher
Geoff Stanfield
online/digital ad sales, promo, and publishing


Traffic Controller
Maria Baker
general questions


CTO & Digital Director
Anthony Sarti
online/digital support