Jan/Feb 2002
Welcome to issue #27 of Tape Op.
I hope everyone survived the holiday season intact. I think I did. Hey, this magazine is coming up on its 6th birthday, the Tape Op conference is happening this year (May 31-June 2)... so much is going on but you know what? My little studio, Jackpot!, is celebrating its 5th year of business! This might not seem like a big deal to some of you, but the fact that I've been able to support myself soley from recording music still amazes me. There have been some lean times lately, especially September when I worked about 8 days total, but I took any extra time I had to get a real sign made (finally), update the studio website, design and print brochures and business cards, and to fix gear and clean the studio. I'm just glad, on a daily basis, that I have a job that I enjoy (two actually, though Tape Op still hasn't bought me a mansion...) And I'm proud to know so many others that I've met through this magazine that are doing the same and making great new music in the process. Welcome to 2002 — hit record!
-Larry Crane
PS: See www.tapeop.com for info on the Tape Op conference. I'll see you there!