When I reviewed Synclavier V [Tape Op #118] last year – https://tapeop.com/reviews/gear/118/synclavier-v/, I ended the review by saying that the software didn’t include any of the Synclavier’s sample library and that it couldn’t do resynthesis. Well, that’s all changed with the updated release Synclavier V, which now brings all of the features and capabilities of the original instrument into the hands of today’s music creators at an affordable price. The entire original Synclavier sample library is now included, and you can also import and edit your own samples. But more importantly, you can now use FFT analysis with multiple frames to re-synthesize an additive waveform from a sample. You can even tempo sync the analyzed frames. With this new feature on top of the Synclavier V’s already very powerful FM/additive sound engine, the possibilities for sound creation really do seem endless! All of the sampling and re-synthesis options are accessed in the terminal window of Synclavier V and are easy to access and fairly intuitive. All of these extra features are a free update to Synclavier V owners and the synth is also part of Arturia’s V Collection.
Plug-Ins, Software | No. 160
Subloom Kick Drum Plug-In
by Larry Crane
Ostensibly a drum mixing tool especially built for kick drums, Subloom is one of those plug-ins based on a mixer's workflow, specifically Jesse Ray Ernster [Tape Op #151], and combines several...