Money and I just don't get along. Sound familiar? We're engineers, not accountants. Though it may be a tad pricier than QuickBooks Online, FreshBooks is very similar and a little dumbed down for us non-accountant types. You can generate custom email or PDF invoices (JB loves the analog statements that I snail mail him at the end of every Tape Op issue), track expenses, create estimates, and view/export configurable accounting reports (great for tax time). Monitor your hours by project and offer many different payment options to your clients. There are tons of customizable features, my favorite being the automated payment reminders that gently (or forcefully) let your clients know they're late. All this can be done painlessly via a computer or mobile device. I use my iPhone to accept bank transfers at the end of sessions. Finish your accounting and get paid while you're backing up every night – it's not hard!
Software, Virtual Instruments | No. 67
Jupiter 8V software synthesizer
by Thom Monahan
It used to be that using a soft synth really felt like a compromise. Even with the best emulations, it's always been hard not to think that if you could get your hands on the "real thing" it would...