Sometimes it's the lesser heralded, helpful products that catch my eye more than some fancy new compressor or microphone. Stedman's PureConnect connector cleaning kit series – the GP-1 Gig Pack, SK-1 Studio Kit, and PK-2 Pro Kit – offer up 2 mL tubes of CAIG Labs DeoxiT, custom 3/4-inch cotton pads, plus custom-made microfelt tips (a larger combo one for both inside 1/4-inch jacks and a hole for XLR male pins, and a small 1/10-inch one for inside female XLR jacks). The kits also include a threaded aluminum handle for the tips, plus cases. The GP-1 Gig Pack is meant for musicians and includes pads and tips for 1/4-inch cleaning, and 1 tube of DeoxiT, in a small, metal Altoids mints-style box. The SK-1 Studio Kit adds the tiny 1/10-inch tips for female XLR connectors plus a few more pads and tube cleaners in a reusable cardboard box. But the PK-2 Pro Kit is the one I want you to buy, as its sturdy plastic case includes two handles, 25 combo tips, 50 1/10-inch tips, 15 pads, and three tubes of DeoxiT. In fact, I would suggest ordering this kit and spares of everything – stock up and get to work cleaning cables and jacks all over your studio! In use, I especially was mortified by the amount of grey gunk coming out of female XLR jacks on some adapters I've had for decades, and cleaning out the jacks on our overused stompboxes, instruments, and guitar and bass amps was similarly terrifying. How did they even pass signal? All kits include instructions in the box, and this process way less messy than spraying DeoxiT into a guitar jack and wiggling a Q-Tip around inside. I asked Stedman if they would make a PureConnect kit for TT patchbays, and they said, "There has been a lot of interest in that size. We hope to have it out sometime in 2020." Excellent news!
Accessories, Monitoring | No. 99
SRH1540 headphones
by Larry Crane
We always ask our gear reviewers at Tape Op to take the product in question into the studio and use it on sessions. I think this is a good thing. To me, there's not much use in the real world for key...