I’ve been using that same crap splicing tape that most everyone uses. You know, that thin white stuff that holds better to skin than tape. I found a much better solution sold by Splicit. It’s made of strong acrylic polyester. The pressure-sensitive coating grabs just enough when you’re getting set and then holds well once you need to commit the join. It’s also reasonably forgiving should you need to lift it and start over. The roll I received was 82 ft long and was a fluorescent blue color, which is easy to see in low-light situations. Splicit also makes 1/2’’ tape, but I couldn’t find any for 1’’ or 2’’ at this time. Check it out. (1/4’’ $7.99 direct, 1/2’’ $12.99; www.splicit.com)
–Garrett Haines, www.treelady.com
Accessories, Clocks | No. 135
10MX Rubidium Atomic Clock
by Christopher Koltay
One of the things I love about studios is the way they grow over time and the delineations in sound that happen due to gear changes along the way. You hear this all the time; "...then we got a...