In the last issue I reviewed Nerve Generator's tape in Cassette Corner. Well, now they've got their CD out and it's a dandy. This Is 4-Track! was recorded in guitarist James Botha's bedroom on a 4-track PortaStudio using the same methods described in the tape review. Nerve Generator have made a dynamic, crunchy pop record. The two songs from the cassette are here along with ten more, plus a wild "hidden" track at the end. The disc's highlight is "The Death Song," an ambitious and beautiful 4-track masterpiece comprised of several varying sections, including a beautiful flute breakdown. This CD is a great example of what can be done on a 4-track, and a great album regardless of the equipment it was recorded on. ($10.00 [checks payable to James Botha] to Nerve Generator, PO Box 42784, Philadelphia, PA, 19101. E-mail:
Music Reviews | No. 10
by Matt Mair Lowery
The only way I can adequately express my excitement over this record is to say that I haven't been so unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised by an album since I first heard Pavement's Slanted and...