Attention: For those in need of a genuinely dense dose of psychedelia then look no further. Just listen. For this particular venture (their first since leaving the Sub Pop label) the trio reverts deep into the woods in their hometown of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, to record themselves with an analog 8-track. A far cry from their previous formal multitrack effort (the superbly trippy Vague Premonition, mixed with a fine touch by Jack Endino). What is fantastic about A Taste of Complete Perspective's reduction in production is that the garage-like texture of the disc appears to be more idealistic and authentic to the band's approach - highly reminiscent of the genre's grandparents from the 1960s. Dispersed throughout the album's eerie tracks are segues of 2-track field recordings - that the band's Rick White recorded - which spill through the speakers long enough that one begins to think they are indeed "elsewhere". White's trademark wispy stratus vocals are mixed to spread out across the stereo field from above, and the guitar tracks are fed by a Space Echo that deposits spores onto the entire affair. It wouldn't surprise me if I came home one day and found a big mushroom growing from the CD's jewel case. For this is what Elevator do... (
Music Reviews | No. 22
Airline People
by Curtis Settino
"These recordings are outtakes from our first two U.S. albums," states the inner sleeve of this 15- minute CD. I don't know this band, so it's impossible for me to tell if these are simply songs that...