Hillary Johnson is Tape Op's website designer and an occasional writer, but she's also member (keyboards) and engineer/producer for the Crowns on 45. This NY five piece would sit well on a bill with a band like Sleater-Kinney, with their speedy drumming, intertwined mixed-gender vocals and slightly post-punk leanings. Hillary recorded the band at 80-20 studios (in Queens) which she described as "some DA-88s and a Mackie board in a basement." Hey, it worked. The record rocks hard and is really compelling, especially "Walk in the Park" with it's taped interview of a woman who was sexually attacked during a parade in NY. Intense. (www.crownson 45.com)
Music Reviews | No. 26
Note Pad #38 and The Invisible Man
by Larry Crane
Many people consider Don Dixon a record producer, but if you've read his interview in the Tape Op book you'd know that he is first and foremost a musician and songwriter. The Invisible Man came out...